Are You Suffering Back Pain?

Back pain is a very common condition in our daily life. It is generally caused by strain around the body’s joints, muscles, and cervical discs...

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Back pain is a very common condition in our daily life. It is generally caused by strain around the body’s joints, muscles, and cervical discs. Usually, the hunched posture we adopt when using the computer will cause back pain; it also may occur suddenly, such as falling or lifting heavy subjects, etc. So how should we respond?


First, we can relax our back by resting in bed, but it should not be too long.


Second, heat therapy like hot water baths and heat patch also can help relieve pain. Let me introduce the joint heat patch. We have passed clinical trials and it can effectively relieve pain. There are two sizes in total, you can choose the right one according your needs. This heat patch is composed of several active ingredients, including high-quality iron powder, active carbon, vermiculite, etc. Also with medical-grade non-woven fabric can touch skin directly. All ingredients are 100% natural and can be disposed directly as common garbage after use it. There is no pollution to the environment.

Moreover, there’s already data showing this method is more effective than methods for back pain. And considering the price, why not have a try? Then your pain will disappear very soon.

Finally, improving our daily habits can also help prevent and relieve back pain. Correct habits can help regulate back muscle balance and reduce pressure on the muscles of the lower back. If you are also an “office type”, it is recommended to use a backrest and adjust your sitting posture to reduce back pressure. I hope we all never have to suffer from back pain again!

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