What are the advantages of Period pain patch over painkillers?

Most women are troubled by dysmenorrhea, we usually choose period pain relief patch...

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Most women are troubled by dysmenorrhea, we usually choose period pain relief patch and painkillers to relieve pain, especially period pain patch has almost become a menstrual necessity in recent years,  this self-heating warm palace patch product can be very popular. What are the advantages over painkillers?


First of all, in terms of working principle, the period pain patch acts on our external skin, and performs hot compress physiotherapy at a temperature higher than the human body and the most comfortable, speeds up blood circulation, promotes uterine contraction to relieve dysmenorrhea symptoms;However, the principle of action of analgesics is to reduce the excitability of human sympathetic nerves and inhibit the synthesis of analgesic substances through drugs.


We can see that because the period pain path acts on the outside, and the ingredients are hot and non-irritating, the effect will not be reduced even if it is used all year round; while painkillers relieve pain by paralyzing the nerves, drug resistance will develop after repeated use, and the effect will be greatly reduced. And most painkillers will irritate our intestines and stomach, and long-term use may also damage the digestive system.


Therefore, we recommend physical therapy more. If you are also suffering from dysmenorrhea, please must try this magic too l!

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